Malcolm Manning
- 2019: moved to Vienna
- 2019-20: Advanced Training for Feldenkrais Practitioners with Theory and Techniques from Anat Baniel Method (sm) for Children taught by Nancy Aberle
- 2015 to 2021: visiting lecturer in dance at Scenekunstskolen (Danish National School of Performing Arts), Copenhagen
- 2008-2011: senior lecturer in dance at TEAK (Theatre Academy of Finland)
- 2007-present: teaching classes and workshops at TanzQuartier Wien and ImpulsTanz
- 2006-2019: developing and teaching Dance and Somatics course at ISLO, Finland
- 2005-2006: Feldenkrais lessons for children with special needs at Mahdollisuus Lapselle (Chance for a Child), Helsinki
- 2005: graduated as Feldenkrais practitioner with Elisabeth Beringer, Biel Switzerland
- 2004 to present: visiting lecturer in dance TEAK (Theatre Academy of Finland), Helsinki
- 2001: moved to Finland
- 1993-95: studied dance at SDNO (School for New Dance Development) Amsterdam
- 1991-93: studied circus and physical theatre at Circomedia, Bristol
- 1991: discovered the Feldenkrais Method with Shelagh O’Neill
You can read more about me and my work on my website: www.movetolearn.com